Sponsored by The Sarjeant Company
"In Memory of Calvin Kloosterman"

Builder: HFH Inc.
Owner: Eisses Farms Ltd. – Jeff Eisses
Designed By: HFH Inc., Tacoma Engineers, & Eisses Farms
Engineered By: Tacoma Engineers
Materials Supplied By: Mar-Span Truss, Agway Metals, Maco Enterprises, ANS Doors
State of the art - Layer barn with full automation
65’ X 492’ main barn with 20’ X 200’ manure drying room & 58’ X 77’ front for egg sorting, storefront & additional rooms
Optisec Manure Drying Tunnel system using heat from barn with fans to dry manure on conveyor system to minimize smell, flies & making it environmentally & neighbour friendly
Fully covered manure storage tank, naturally ventilated
Cross ventilated barn with fans on one side & automated baffle board on the opposite side
Avech II Enriched Colony Housing System complete with nesting areas, perches, scratch pads, nail files & roosting areas inside to provide the highest form of animal comfort and food safety
Lighting in barn is Red Spectrum LED to maximize the housing system.
Fully automated & separate conveyors systems for egg collection, feed delivery, & manure collection, also fully automated water delivery.
Customer service store at front for local retail to general public
Automated egg collecting & stacking system
Currently handles up to 44,000 eggs per day – collected in approx. an hour with room for significant expansion
Loading dock on backside of egg sorting room
Meets & exceeds all of the biosecurity standards in Ontario
Epoxy flooring in store & egg rooms
Offices, utility rooms, service, full bathroom with shower